001package org.unix4j.unix.sort;
003import java.util.Arrays;
004import java.util.Collections;
005import java.util.EnumSet;
006import java.util.Iterator;
007import org.unix4j.option.Option;
009import org.unix4j.unix.Sort;
012 * Option sets for the {@link Sort sort} command with 
013 * the following options: {@link #c c}, {@link #d d}, {@link #f f}, {@link #b b}, {@link #m m}, {@link #n n}, {@link #r r}, {@link #u u}.
014 * <p>
015 * Application code does normally not directly refer to this class;
016 * {@link Sort#Options} should be used instead to specify command 
017 * options. See also {@link org.unix4j.unix.sort.SortOptions} for more information.
018 */
019public enum SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru implements SortOptions {
020        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
021        Active_bdfnru(
022                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
023                true, 
024                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
025        ),
026        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
027        Active_bdfnru_long(
028                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
029                false, 
030                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
031        ),
032        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
033        Active_bdfnu(
034                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdfnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
035                true, 
036                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
037        ),
038        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
039        Active_bdfnu_long(
040                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdfnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
041                false, 
042                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
043        ),
044        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
045        Active_bdnru(
046                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
047                true, 
048                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
049        ),
050        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
051        Active_bdnru_long(
052                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
053                false, 
054                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
055        ),
056        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
057        Active_bfnru(
058                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnru_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
059                true, 
060                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
061        ),
062        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
063        Active_bfnru_long(
064                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnru_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
065                false, 
066                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
067        ),
068        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
069        Active_dfnru(
070                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
071                true, 
072                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
073        ),
074        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
075        Active_dfnru_long(
076                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
077                false, 
078                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
079        ),
080        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
081        Active_bdfnr(
082                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bdfnru, /*unique:*/Active_bdfnru_long, 
083                true, 
084                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
085        ),
086        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
087        Active_bdfnr_long(
088                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bdfnru, /*unique:*/Active_bdfnru_long, 
089                false, 
090                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
091        ),
092        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
093        Active_bdnu(
094                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfnu_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bdnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
095                true, 
096                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
097        ),
098        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
099        Active_bdnu_long(
100                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfnu_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bdnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
101                false, 
102                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
103        ),
104        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
105        Active_bfnu(
106                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnu_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfnu_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bfnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bfnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
107                true, 
108                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
109        ),
110        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
111        Active_bfnu_long(
112                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnu_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfnu_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bfnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bfnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
113                false, 
114                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
115        ),
116        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
117        Active_bnru(
118                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnru_long, /*d:*/Active_bdnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdnru_long, /*f:*/Active_bfnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfnru_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
119                true, 
120                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
121        ),
122        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
123        Active_bnru_long(
124                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnru_long, /*d:*/Active_bdnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdnru_long, /*f:*/Active_bfnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfnru_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
125                false, 
126                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
127        ),
128        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
129        Active_dfnu(
130                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dfnru, /*reverse:*/Active_dfnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
131                true, 
132                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
133        ),
134        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
135        Active_dfnu_long(
136                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dfnru, /*reverse:*/Active_dfnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
137                false, 
138                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
139        ),
140        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
141        Active_dnru(
142                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfnru_long, /*b:*/Active_bdnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
143                true, 
144                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
145        ),
146        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
147        Active_dnru_long(
148                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnru_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfnru_long, /*b:*/Active_bdnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
149                false, 
150                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
151        ),
152        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
153        Active_fnru(
154                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnru_long, /*d:*/Active_dfnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfnru_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
155                true, 
156                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
157        ),
158        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
159        Active_fnru_long(
160                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnru_long, /*d:*/Active_dfnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfnru_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
161                false, 
162                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
163        ),
164        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
165        Active_bdfn(
166                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdfnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bdfnu, /*unique:*/Active_bdfnu_long, 
167                true, 
168                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
169        ),
170        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
171        Active_bdfn_long(
172                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdfn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdfmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdfnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bdfnu, /*unique:*/Active_bdfnu_long, 
173                false, 
174                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
175        ),
176        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
177        Active_bdnr(
178                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bdnru, /*unique:*/Active_bdnru_long, 
179                true, 
180                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
181        ),
182        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
183        Active_bdnr_long(
184                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bdnru, /*unique:*/Active_bdnru_long, 
185                false, 
186                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
187        ),
188        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
189        Active_bfnr(
190                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnr_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bfnru, /*unique:*/Active_bfnru_long, 
191                true, 
192                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
193        ),
194        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
195        Active_bfnr_long(
196                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfnr_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bfnru, /*unique:*/Active_bfnru_long, 
197                false, 
198                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
199        ),
200        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
201        Active_dfnr(
202                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_dfnru, /*unique:*/Active_dfnru_long, 
203                true, 
204                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
205        ),
206        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
207        Active_dfnr_long(
208                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_dfnru, /*unique:*/Active_dfnru_long, 
209                false, 
210                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
211        ),
212        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
213        Active_bnu(
214                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnu_long, /*d:*/Active_bdnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdnu_long, /*f:*/Active_bfnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfnu_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
215                true, 
216                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
217        ),
218        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
219        Active_bnu_long(
220                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnu_long, /*d:*/Active_bdnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdnu_long, /*f:*/Active_bfnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfnu_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bnru, /*reverse:*/Active_bnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
221                false, 
222                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
223        ),
224        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
225        Active_dnu(
226                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfnu_long, /*b:*/Active_bdnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dnru, /*reverse:*/Active_dnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
227                true, 
228                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
229        ),
230        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
231        Active_dnu_long(
232                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnu_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfnu_long, /*b:*/Active_bdnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dnru, /*reverse:*/Active_dnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
233                false, 
234                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
235        ),
236        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
237        Active_fnu(
238                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnu_long, /*d:*/Active_dfnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfnu_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_fnru, /*reverse:*/Active_fnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
239                true, 
240                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
241        ),
242        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
243        Active_fnu_long(
244                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnu_long, /*d:*/Active_dfnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfnu_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_fnru, /*reverse:*/Active_fnru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
245                false, 
246                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
247        ),
248        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
249        Active_nru(
250                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnru_long, /*d:*/Active_dnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dnru_long, /*f:*/Active_fnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fnru_long, /*b:*/Active_bnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
251                true, 
252                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
253        ),
254        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}, {@link #unique u}.*/
255        Active_nru_long(
256                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnru, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnru_long, /*d:*/Active_dnru, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dnru_long, /*f:*/Active_fnru, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fnru_long, /*b:*/Active_bnru, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bnru_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnru, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnru_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
257                false, 
258                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse, SortOption.unique
259        ),
260        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
261        Active_bdn(
262                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfn_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bdnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bdnu, /*unique:*/Active_bdnu_long, 
263                true, 
264                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
265        ),
266        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
267        Active_bdn_long(
268                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcdn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_bdfn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bdfn_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bdmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bdnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bdnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bdnu, /*unique:*/Active_bdnu_long, 
269                false, 
270                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
271        ),
272        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
273        Active_bfn(
274                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfn_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfn_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bfnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bfnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bfnu, /*unique:*/Active_bfnu_long, 
275                true, 
276                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
277        ),
278        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
279        Active_bfn_long(
280                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcfn_long, /*d:*/Active_bdfn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdfn_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bfmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bfnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bfnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bfnu, /*unique:*/Active_bfnu_long, 
281                false, 
282                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
283        ),
284        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
285        Active_bnr(
286                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnr_long, /*d:*/Active_bdnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdnr_long, /*f:*/Active_bfnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfnr_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bnru, /*unique:*/Active_bnru_long, 
287                true, 
288                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
289        ),
290        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
291        Active_bnr_long(
292                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcnr_long, /*d:*/Active_bdnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdnr_long, /*f:*/Active_bfnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfnr_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_bnru, /*unique:*/Active_bnru_long, 
293                false, 
294                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
295        ),
296        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
297        Active_dfn(
298                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dfnr, /*reverse:*/Active_dfnr_long, /*u:*/Active_dfnu, /*unique:*/Active_dfnu_long, 
299                true, 
300                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort
301        ),
302        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
303        Active_dfn_long(
304                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdfn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bdfn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdfn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dfmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dfnr, /*reverse:*/Active_dfnr_long, /*u:*/Active_dfnu, /*unique:*/Active_dfnu_long, 
305                false, 
306                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort
307        ),
308        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
309        Active_dnr(
310                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfnr_long, /*b:*/Active_bdnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_dnru, /*unique:*/Active_dnru_long, 
311                true, 
312                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
313        ),
314        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
315        Active_dnr_long(
316                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdnr_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfnr_long, /*b:*/Active_bdnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_dnru, /*unique:*/Active_dnru_long, 
317                false, 
318                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
319        ),
320        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
321        Active_fnr(
322                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnr_long, /*d:*/Active_dfnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfnr_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_fnru, /*unique:*/Active_fnru_long, 
323                true, 
324                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
325        ),
326        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
327        Active_fnr_long(
328                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfnr_long, /*d:*/Active_dfnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfnr_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_fnru, /*unique:*/Active_fnru_long, 
329                false, 
330                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
331        ),
332        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
333        Active_nu(
334                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnu_long, /*d:*/Active_dnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dnu_long, /*f:*/Active_fnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fnu_long, /*b:*/Active_bnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_nru, /*reverse:*/Active_nru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
335                true, 
336                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
337        ),
338        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #unique u}.*/
339        Active_nu_long(
340                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnu, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnu_long, /*d:*/Active_dnu, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dnu_long, /*f:*/Active_fnu, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fnu_long, /*b:*/Active_bnu, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bnu_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnu, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnu_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_nru, /*reverse:*/Active_nru_long, /*u:*/null /*already set*/, /*unique:*/null /*already set*/, 
341                false, 
342                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.unique
343        ),
344        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
345        Active_bn(
346                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcn_long, /*d:*/Active_bdn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdn_long, /*f:*/Active_bfn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfn_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bnu, /*unique:*/Active_bnu_long, 
347                true, 
348                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
349        ),
350        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks b}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
351        Active_bn_long(
352                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_bcn_long, /*d:*/Active_bdn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_bdn_long, /*f:*/Active_bfn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_bfn_long, /*b:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/null /*already set*/, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_bmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_bnr, /*reverse:*/Active_bnr_long, /*u:*/Active_bnu, /*unique:*/Active_bnu_long, 
353                false, 
354                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOption.numericSort
355        ),
356        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
357        Active_dn(
358                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfn_long, /*b:*/Active_bdn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dnr, /*reverse:*/Active_dnr_long, /*u:*/Active_dnu, /*unique:*/Active_dnu_long, 
359                true, 
360                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort
361        ),
362        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #dictionaryOrder d}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
363        Active_dn_long(
364                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cdn_long, /*d:*/null /*already set*/, /*dictionaryOrder:*/null /*already set*/, /*f:*/Active_dfn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_dfn_long, /*b:*/Active_bdn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bdn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_dmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_dnr, /*reverse:*/Active_dnr_long, /*u:*/Active_dnu, /*unique:*/Active_dnu_long, 
365                false, 
366                /*active:*/SortOption.dictionaryOrder, SortOption.numericSort
367        ),
368        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
369        Active_fn(
370                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfn_long, /*d:*/Active_dfn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfn_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_fnr, /*reverse:*/Active_fnr_long, /*u:*/Active_fnu, /*unique:*/Active_fnu_long, 
371                true, 
372                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort
373        ),
374        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #ignoreCase f}, {@link #numericSort n}.*/
375        Active_fn_long(
376                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cfn_long, /*d:*/Active_dfn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dfn_long, /*f:*/null /*already set*/, /*ignoreCase:*/null /*already set*/, /*b:*/Active_bfn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bfn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_fmn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_fnr, /*reverse:*/Active_fnr_long, /*u:*/Active_fnu, /*unique:*/Active_fnu_long, 
377                false, 
378                /*active:*/SortOption.ignoreCase, SortOption.numericSort
379        ),
380        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
381        Active_nr(
382                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnr_long, /*d:*/Active_dnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dnr_long, /*f:*/Active_fnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fnr_long, /*b:*/Active_bnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_nru, /*unique:*/Active_nru_long, 
383                true, 
384                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
385        ),
386        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}, {@link #reverse r}.*/
387        Active_nr_long(
388                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnr, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cnr_long, /*d:*/Active_dnr, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dnr_long, /*f:*/Active_fnr, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fnr_long, /*b:*/Active_bnr, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bnr_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnr, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mnr_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/null /*already set*/, /*reverse:*/null /*already set*/, /*u:*/Active_nru, /*unique:*/Active_nru_long, 
389                false, 
390                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort, SortOption.reverse
391        ),
392        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}.*/
393        Active_n(
394                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cn_long, /*d:*/Active_dn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dn_long, /*f:*/Active_fn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fn_long, /*b:*/Active_bn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_nr, /*reverse:*/Active_nr_long, /*u:*/Active_nu, /*unique:*/Active_nu_long, 
395                true, 
396                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort
397        ),
398        /** Option set with the following active options: {@link #numericSort n}.*/
399        Active_n_long(
400                /*c:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cn, /*check:*/SortOptionSet_bcdfnru.Active_cn_long, /*d:*/Active_dn, /*dictionaryOrder:*/Active_dn_long, /*f:*/Active_fn, /*ignoreCase:*/Active_fn_long, /*b:*/Active_bn, /*ignoreLeadingBlanks:*/Active_bn_long, /*m:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mn, /*merge:*/SortOptionSet_bdfmnru.Active_mn_long, /*n:*/null /*already set*/, /*numericSort:*/null /*already set*/, /*r:*/Active_nr, /*reverse:*/Active_nr_long, /*u:*/Active_nu, /*unique:*/Active_nu_long, 
401                false, 
402                /*active:*/SortOption.numericSort
403        );
404        private SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru(
405                SortOptionSet_bcdfnru c, SortOptionSet_bcdfnru check, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru d, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru dictionaryOrder, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru f, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru ignoreCase, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru b, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru ignoreLeadingBlanks, SortOptionSet_bdfmnru m, SortOptionSet_bdfmnru merge, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru n, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru numericSort, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru r, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru reverse, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru u, SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru unique, 
406                boolean useAcronym,
407                SortOption... activeOptions
408        ) {
409                this.c = notNull(c);
410                this.check = notNull(check);
411                this.d = d == null ? this : d;
412                this.dictionaryOrder = dictionaryOrder == null ? this : dictionaryOrder;
413                this.f = f == null ? this : f;
414                this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase == null ? this : ignoreCase;
415                this.b = b == null ? this : b;
416                this.ignoreLeadingBlanks = ignoreLeadingBlanks == null ? this : ignoreLeadingBlanks;
417                this.m = notNull(m);
418                this.merge = notNull(merge);
419                this.n = n == null ? this : n;
420                this.numericSort = numericSort == null ? this : numericSort;
421                this.r = r == null ? this : r;
422                this.reverse = reverse == null ? this : reverse;
423                this.u = u == null ? this : u;
424                this.unique = unique == null ? this : unique;
425                this.useAcronym = useAcronym;
426                this.options = activeOptions.length == 0 ? EnumSet.noneOf(SortOption.class) : EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(activeOptions));
427        }
428        private final boolean useAcronym;
429        /**
430         * Option {@code "-c"}: Checks that the single input file is ordered as specified by the
431                        arguments and the collating sequence of the current locale. No 
432                        output is produced; only the exit code is affected.
433         * <p>
434         * The option {@code "-c"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #check check}{@code "} option.
435         * <p>
436         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
437         * current set plus the option {@code "-c"}. If the option {@code "-c"}
438         * is already set, the field {@code c} points to the enum constant itself
439         * as it already represents the current set of options.
440         */
441        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfnru c;
442        /**
443         * Option {@code "--check"}: Checks that the single input file is ordered as specified by the
444                        arguments and the collating sequence of the current locale. No 
445                        output is produced; only the exit code is affected.
446         * <p>
447         * The option {@code "--check"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #c c}{@code "} option.
448         * <p>
449         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
450         * current set plus the option {@code "--check"}. If the option {@code "--check"}
451         * is already set, the field {@code check} points to the enum constant itself
452         * as it already represents the current set of options.
453         */
454        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfnru check;
455        /**
456         * Option {@code "-d"}: Consider only blanks and alphanumeric characters.
457                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
458         * <p>
459         * The option {@code "-d"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #dictionaryOrder dictionaryOrder}{@code "} option.
460         * <p>
461         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
462         * current set plus the option {@code "-d"}. If the option {@code "-d"}
463         * is already set, the field {@code d} points to the enum constant itself
464         * as it already represents the current set of options.
465         */
466        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru d;
467        /**
468         * Option {@code "--dictionaryOrder"}: Consider only blanks and alphanumeric characters.
469                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
470         * <p>
471         * The option {@code "--dictionaryOrder"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #d d}{@code "} option.
472         * <p>
473         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
474         * current set plus the option {@code "--dictionaryOrder"}. If the option {@code "--dictionaryOrder"}
475         * is already set, the field {@code dictionaryOrder} points to the enum constant itself
476         * as it already represents the current set of options.
477         */
478        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru dictionaryOrder;
479        /**
480         * Option {@code "-f"}: Consider all lowercase characters that have uppercase equivalents to
481                        be the uppercase equivalent for the purposes of comparison.
482                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
483         * <p>
484         * The option {@code "-f"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #ignoreCase ignoreCase}{@code "} option.
485         * <p>
486         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
487         * current set plus the option {@code "-f"}. If the option {@code "-f"}
488         * is already set, the field {@code f} points to the enum constant itself
489         * as it already represents the current set of options.
490         */
491        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru f;
492        /**
493         * Option {@code "--ignoreCase"}: Consider all lowercase characters that have uppercase equivalents to
494                        be the uppercase equivalent for the purposes of comparison.
495                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
496         * <p>
497         * The option {@code "--ignoreCase"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #f f}{@code "} option.
498         * <p>
499         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
500         * current set plus the option {@code "--ignoreCase"}. If the option {@code "--ignoreCase"}
501         * is already set, the field {@code ignoreCase} points to the enum constant itself
502         * as it already represents the current set of options.
503         */
504        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru ignoreCase;
505        /**
506         * Option {@code "-b"}: Ignore leading blanks. 
507                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
508         * <p>
509         * The option {@code "-b"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #ignoreLeadingBlanks ignoreLeadingBlanks}{@code "} option.
510         * <p>
511         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
512         * current set plus the option {@code "-b"}. If the option {@code "-b"}
513         * is already set, the field {@code b} points to the enum constant itself
514         * as it already represents the current set of options.
515         */
516        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru b;
517        /**
518         * Option {@code "--ignoreLeadingBlanks"}: Ignore leading blanks. 
519                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
520         * <p>
521         * The option {@code "--ignoreLeadingBlanks"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #b b}{@code "} option.
522         * <p>
523         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
524         * current set plus the option {@code "--ignoreLeadingBlanks"}. If the option {@code "--ignoreLeadingBlanks"}
525         * is already set, the field {@code ignoreLeadingBlanks} points to the enum constant itself
526         * as it already represents the current set of options.
527         */
528        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru ignoreLeadingBlanks;
529        /**
530         * Option {@code "-m"}: Merge only; the input file are assumed to be already sorted.
531         * <p>
532         * The option {@code "-m"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #merge merge}{@code "} option.
533         * <p>
534         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
535         * current set plus the option {@code "-m"}. If the option {@code "-m"}
536         * is already set, the field {@code m} points to the enum constant itself
537         * as it already represents the current set of options.
538         */
539        public final SortOptionSet_bdfmnru m;
540        /**
541         * Option {@code "--merge"}: Merge only; the input file are assumed to be already sorted.
542         * <p>
543         * The option {@code "--merge"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #m m}{@code "} option.
544         * <p>
545         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
546         * current set plus the option {@code "--merge"}. If the option {@code "--merge"}
547         * is already set, the field {@code merge} points to the enum constant itself
548         * as it already represents the current set of options.
549         */
550        public final SortOptionSet_bdfmnru merge;
551        /**
552         * Option {@code "-n"}: Sort numerically; the number begins each line and consists of 
553                        optional blanks, an optional minus sign, and zero or more digits
554                        possibly separated by thousands separators, optionally followed by a
555                        decimal-point character and zero or more digits. An empty number is
556                        treated as '0'. The current local specifies the decimal-point 
557                        character and thousands separator.
558                        <p>
559                        Comparison is exact; there is no rounding error.
560                        <p>
561                        Neither a leading '+' nor exponential notation is recognized. To 
562                        compare such strings numerically, use the
563                        {@code -genericNumericSort (-g)} option. 
565                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
566         * <p>
567         * The option {@code "-n"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #numericSort numericSort}{@code "} option.
568         * <p>
569         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
570         * current set plus the option {@code "-n"}. If the option {@code "-n"}
571         * is already set, the field {@code n} points to the enum constant itself
572         * as it already represents the current set of options.
573         */
574        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru n;
575        /**
576         * Option {@code "--numericSort"}: Sort numerically; the number begins each line and consists of 
577                        optional blanks, an optional minus sign, and zero or more digits
578                        possibly separated by thousands separators, optionally followed by a
579                        decimal-point character and zero or more digits. An empty number is
580                        treated as '0'. The current local specifies the decimal-point 
581                        character and thousands separator.
582                        <p>
583                        Comparison is exact; there is no rounding error.
584                        <p>
585                        Neither a leading '+' nor exponential notation is recognized. To 
586                        compare such strings numerically, use the
587                        {@code -genericNumericSort (-g)} option. 
589                        (This option is ignored if a comparator operand is present).
590         * <p>
591         * The option {@code "--numericSort"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #n n}{@code "} option.
592         * <p>
593         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
594         * current set plus the option {@code "--numericSort"}. If the option {@code "--numericSort"}
595         * is already set, the field {@code numericSort} points to the enum constant itself
596         * as it already represents the current set of options.
597         */
598        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru numericSort;
599        /**
600         * Option {@code "-r"}: Reverse the sense of comparisons.
601         * <p>
602         * The option {@code "-r"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #reverse reverse}{@code "} option.
603         * <p>
604         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
605         * current set plus the option {@code "-r"}. If the option {@code "-r"}
606         * is already set, the field {@code r} points to the enum constant itself
607         * as it already represents the current set of options.
608         */
609        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru r;
610        /**
611         * Option {@code "--reverse"}: Reverse the sense of comparisons.
612         * <p>
613         * The option {@code "--reverse"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #r r}{@code "} option.
614         * <p>
615         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
616         * current set plus the option {@code "--reverse"}. If the option {@code "--reverse"}
617         * is already set, the field {@code reverse} points to the enum constant itself
618         * as it already represents the current set of options.
619         */
620        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru reverse;
621        /**
622         * Option {@code "-u"}: Unique: suppress all but one in each set of lines having equal keys.
623                        If used with the {@code -c} option, checks that there are no lines 
624                        with duplicate keys, in addition to checking that the input file is 
625                        sorted.
626         * <p>
627         * The option {@code "-u"} is equivalent to the {@code "--}{@link #unique unique}{@code "} option.
628         * <p>
629         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
630         * current set plus the option {@code "-u"}. If the option {@code "-u"}
631         * is already set, the field {@code u} points to the enum constant itself
632         * as it already represents the current set of options.
633         */
634        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru u;
635        /**
636         * Option {@code "--unique"}: Unique: suppress all but one in each set of lines having equal keys.
637                        If used with the {@code -c} option, checks that there are no lines 
638                        with duplicate keys, in addition to checking that the input file is 
639                        sorted.
640         * <p>
641         * The option {@code "--unique"} is equivalent to the {@code "-}{@link #u u}{@code "} option.
642         * <p>
643         * Technically speaking, this field points to a set with the options of the 
644         * current set plus the option {@code "--unique"}. If the option {@code "--unique"}
645         * is already set, the field {@code unique} points to the enum constant itself
646         * as it already represents the current set of options.
647         */
648        public final SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru unique;
649        private final EnumSet<SortOption> options;
651        //inherit javadoc
652        @Override
653        public Class<SortOption> optionType() {
654                return SortOption.class;
655        }
656        //inherit javadoc
657        @Override
658        public boolean isSet(SortOption option) {
659                return options.contains(option);
660        }
661        //inherit javadoc
662        @Override
663        public int size() {
664                return options.size();
665        }
666        /** 
667         * Checks that the given {@code value} is not null and throws an exception 
668         * otherwise.
669         * 
670         * @param the value to check
671         * @return the given {@code value} if it is not null
672         * @throws NullPointerException if {@code value==null} 
673         */
674        private static <T> T notNull(T value) {
675                if (value != null) return value;
676                throw new NullPointerException();
677        }
678        /**
679         * Returns the set with the active options. The returned set a new defensive
680         * copy instance created when this method is called, modifications of this
681         * set will therefore not alter {@code this} option set.
682         * 
683         * @return a copy of the set with the active options.
684         */
685        @Override
686        public EnumSet<SortOption> asSet() {
687                return EnumSet.copyOf(options);
688        }
689        /**
690         * Returns an immutable iterator with the active options of this option set.
691         * 
692         * @return an immutable iterator for over the active options
693         */
694        @Override
695        public Iterator<SortOption> iterator() {
696                return Collections.unmodifiableSet(options).iterator();
697        }
698        /**
699         * Returns true if the {@link Option#acronym() acronym} should be used in
700         * for the specified {@code option} string representations. 
701         * <p>
702         * In particular and independent from the {@code option} argument, this 
703         * option set returns true if the last option added to this set was an 
704         * acronym, and false if it was a long option name. 
705         * <p>
706         * For instance, the set defined as
707         * <pre>
708         *    SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru.check.d;
709         * </pre>
710         * uses acronyms, that is, this method always returns true for the above 
711         * set. 
712         * <p>
713         * On the other hand, long option names are used and this method always 
714         * returns false for the set
715         * <pre>
716         *    SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru.c.dictionaryOrder;
717         * </pre>
718         * <p>
719         * Note that a repeated option is <i>not</i> treated as the last set option.
720         * For instance, the first and last option of the following set are 
721         * equivalent and acronyms are used:
722         * <pre>
723         *    SortOptionSet_bcdfmnru.c.d.check;
724         * </pre>
725         * <p>
726         * This method always returns true for the empty set with no active options.
727         *  
728         * @param option
729         *            the option of interest, has no impact on the result returned
730         *            by this method
731         * @return true if option acronyms should be used for string representations
732         *         of any option of this option set
733         */
734        @Override
735        public boolean useAcronymFor(SortOption option) {
736                return useAcronym;
737        }